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Beauty In The Eyes Of The Beholder


Beauty in the Eyes of the Beholder

A Profound Quote by Hazrat Inayat Khan

"Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful."

In this profound quote by Hazrat Inayat Khan, we are reminded of the contrasting perspectives people have when it comes to beauty.

Some see beauty only in the obvious places—the grand landscapes, the exquisite works of art, the people who conform to society's standards of physical perfection. They wait for beauty to come to them, passively hoping to stumble upon it in their travels or in the pages of a magazine.

Others, however, understand that beauty is not something that can be found but rather something that must be created. They actively seek out opportunities to make their surroundings more beautiful, whether it's by planting flowers in their gardens, volunteering their time to help others, or simply by choosing to see the beauty in the ordinary things in life.

Ultimately, the choice of whether to see beauty or to create it is up to each individual. But as Hazrat Inayat Khan reminds us, the latter path is far more rewarding. By choosing to make our own lives and our own world more beautiful, we not only create a more pleasant and fulfilling environment for ourselves but also inspire others to do the same. And that is a truly beautiful thing.

