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Aurora Forecast Map

Aurora Forecast: Predicting the Northern Lights


Auroras are beautiful natural light displays in the sky, primarily visible at high-latitude regions. To enhance your chances of witnessing this spectacular phenomenon, it's crucial to have an accurate forecast of their location and intensity. The OVATION Aurora Forecast Model provides detailed predictions to guide your aurora viewing experience.

Features of the OVATION Aurora Forecast Model

The OVATION Aurora Forecast Model offers the following features:

  • Short-term forecast: Predicts aurora activity within the next 30 to 90 minutes.
  • Location and intensity: Provides a map showing the predicted location and intensity of the aurora.
  • Time-based predictions: Displays forecasts for the current time and for the upcoming night.

Using the OVATION Aurora Forecast Model

To use the OVATION Aurora Forecast Model, visit the official website. The map will display the predicted aurora activity for the time shown at the top. The colors on the map indicate the intensity of the aurora, with green indicating a weak display and red indicating a strong display. You can hover over any location on the map to get more detailed information about the predicted activity.

Tips for Enhancing Your Aurora Viewing Experience

To optimize your chances of seeing the aurora, consider the following tips:

  • Choose a location with low light pollution: Avoid areas with bright city lights for a better view of the aurora.
  • Face the northern sky: The aurora is typically visible in the northern hemisphere, so face northward for the best view.
  • Check the forecast: Use the OVATION Aurora Forecast Model to predict the best time and location to view the aurora.
  • Be patient: The aurora can be faint and may take time to become visible. Allow yourself ample time for viewing.

With the OVATION Aurora Forecast Model, you can plan your aurora viewing experience confidently. By knowing where and when to look, you'll increase your chances of witnessing this breathtaking celestial spectacle.
